The Great Commission, as it is now called, was recorded in Luke's second reference volume we call…The nature of his work is written in the first chapter of his first volume. "Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that…13h ago13h ago
So, my guess is that you a MAGA Republican, right? (It's a free country.)By the by, my opinion, on Mark 12:17, in its context, is responding to a question of the Roman Empires taxation policy not anything…14h ago114h ago1
OOPS! I meant the First Amendment!!!Anyways, with that correction in mind, I really didn't have any resounding issues with your essay, but thought both perspectives were true…14h ago14h ago
Aside from discussing STD's as consequences of behaviors the Bible condemns (there are so many more…The Mormon Church has not only a great choir but some good practices which many other denominations have forgotten about... One being…19h ago19h ago
Our personal testimonies also support th e Bible, because we also experience the Resurrected Jesus…20h ago120h ago1
So, do you condemn the Christian Nationalism movement and the Project 2025 agenda?Also, I am not understanding where you are coming from or where you are going to with "Christian patriotism." Isn't that telling people to…20h ago120h ago1
I am aware of the part morality is reflected in civil laws.I'm throwing out the bad with the worst. The deist past also had become so very tired of the religious persecutions and religious wars…1d ago11d ago1