AI, AI, Oooh…
February 16, 2025
I believe AI is a convenience.
Yet, I also believe it is a dangerous one…
In fact, it’s a blood sucking apparition.
It’s 2:00 AM on this cold Sunday morning. Yesterday, it snowed with about a 4–5 inch accumulation. It sure makes for a delightful and picturesque winter scene.
Fortunately for me, this particular work of art is right in my backyard, because I don’t get outside much anymore. Still, Mother Nature is impressive, and my God has blessed me, still with one functioning eye.
Now, I wrote these first few paragraphs all by myself without AI assistance. “All by myself,” now doesn’t that sound like a child’s excitement when they have their first success tying their own shoes?
AI is a convenience.
Do we consider or other websites an AI offshoot? Nah. I asked because such sites I have used in the place of textbooks… Oh, and auto correct — but even that often tries to tell me what I really meant to say… No thanks. I wrote exactly what I meant to say.
AI is dangerous.
AI is an interference, forcing its way into my attempts at composition of essays, and who knows which functions on my computer it is squeezing into.
Nobody has asked for my permission, either… It just keeps happening… I know Windows operates with the same M.O. sneaking stuff in, cramming them through in Updates.
Regardless of my issues with it, there are far more serious dangers, especially for school age and college age kids or for people involved with socio/political issues or just regular folks living out ordinary lives.
Here’s how this rant started: I used AI in writing my last couple of essays (AI Overview).
It was convenient, but I was being lazy. That is never a good thing — for anybody…
The trouble is that it doesn’t cite any sources it had scraped up, and so I had nothing to support what I had quoted!
How then can it be determined whether the Overview is partially true, or completely false, proven fact or totally unsubstantiated.
In other words, is what you or I am saying an opinion reliably sourced, or is it all just BS?
In the end, are we forgetting how to read and think, and communicate verbally and write comprehensible thoughts pen to paper?
I have concluded that AI dangerously stunts our growth in every dynamic of our personhood — mentally, socially, physically, vocationally, even politically…
As I confessed, I was being lazy.
Nevertheless a very wise king offered this advice:
“Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones.
Learn from their ways and become wise!
Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer,
gathering food for the winter.
But you, lazybones, how long will you sleep? When will you wake up?
A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest — then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber.” — Proverbs 6:6–11, New Living Translation (NLT).
Avoid AI whenever and wherever you can. Stop scrolling and swiping. Get outdoors. Get real. Start thinking, before you forget how. Look up at the stars with wonder. See how the Sun’s light reflects off the water, dancing across the waves like a thousand butterflies. Read a classic novel and roll it around, picturing it in your mind. Go someplace to help someone. Have conversations — real live person to person conversations. Wake up and smell the roses but be careful of its thorns…
It’s now 5:30 am, and I’m all done in.
I’ve tried to share some good advice, but my best advice?
Read the Bible and seek God’s presence in your life