Current Event

D L Henderson
2 min readJul 14, 2024


Current Event

July 14, 2024

President Biden said that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life is sick. I would go further by putting it this way: It is a sickness pervading all of our Society and Culture which is demonstrated by individuals actions and inactions. Maybe the instigation of Political violence is part of the problem. Still, there is a deeper source, and I put it in my Biblical perspective…

There has been violence in Mankind’s existence for a very, very, long, long time — fighting for territory, or food, or even the simple destructive urge for the domination of others.

All the same, it goes deeper than that and began much earlier, in the Garden of Eden. As I have written before, all the gun violence, social violence, and cultural disintegration began at the beginning of the Creation Story with original sin, the Fall of Man, as the Bible has it.

What I wrote was that the Original Sin was not just the simple act of disobedience to God. It was certainly that, but what we never seem to see is the complexity of that sin, the resulting sins during that episode of disobedience.

Once I heard that some church taught that eating that “apple” was symbolic of sexual intercourse. Because God told Mankind to be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth, that analysis is plain stupid.

What I see besides the original disobedience is a sin permeating all of today’s violence, too. Blaming others. The Blame Game. Adam even tried to put the blame back on God…”the woman You gave me…” he protested.

Another part of the original sins is denial, that is, trying to worm one’s way out of the consequences, to hide what bad deed was done behind fig leaves, figuratively speaking.

Finally, there is the gullibility of listening to bad advice, bad teaching, and giving credence to all out lies. You know, the serpent putting the question to Eve, “did God really say?”

Now, here is my list of “Original Sin” which grew into “Original Sins” when I reviewed all of Genesis chapter 3 :

  • willful disobedience
  • pleading ignorance
  • attempting a coverup
  • making excuses
  • claiming helplessness
  • blaming one another
  • blaming God

Here is the site of my original essay, if anyone is interested: Upon Further Review

Nevertheless, the idiotic News Cycle is going to continue their silly speculating, the continual endless loop ‘d loop programming, and foolish and endless guessing on who’s really to blame, and their anemic possible explanations of it all…

It seems to me through all my Bible reading that the answers have all been written down in the Scriptures. It’s our Human Nature. It’s people, ourselves, using our God given free will for choosinging what is the harmful, the hurtful, and the unproductive choices…

Here’s a good old folk song I think I think is expressing something similar:

Peter, Paul & Mary — “Too Much Of Nothing”



D L Henderson
D L Henderson

Written by D L Henderson

Born 1950; HS 1968; Born again 1972; Cornell ILR; Steward, Local President/Business Agent; Husband, father, grandfather; winner/loser/everything in between

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