D L Henderson
3 min readAug 28, 2024


I agree with the precepts you discussed, recognizing the dangers of today's socio political environment. One interjection, if I may, is that there are many instances of teachers allowed to teach their personal religious and philosophical beliefs from New Age sources that are not age appropriate whatsoever... and I say that from personal experience with teacher(s) at the local Elementary School our five children attended.

We are Bible Believing Born Again Christians who are as far apart from "Christian Nationalists" as we can possibly be - just so you know...

"Seriously? A man who has single handedly broken nearly every one of the Ten Commandments is who God chose to save us. I call bullshit." Us , too. ("The wicked strut about [in pompous self-importance] on every side, As vileness is exalted and baseness is prized among the sons of men." - Psalm 12:8, Amplified Bible).

Thomas Jefferson knew European history, and if we don't, "we're bound to repeat it."

I get a bit peeved when intellectual theologians make broad statements about the Bible. I'm sure your Dad was a moral fellow , but the Bible is actual history and not fantasy or fable. Yes, in the real lives of real people in real situations in real relationship with God can be treated as "story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle" (MerriamWebster.com), but the Bible presents real events with exposing real people warts and all - even the "heroes" of the Bible have their mistakes and the consequences revealed - and likewise, I agree that wisdom can be extracted, and in that sense they can be interpreted as morality plays in the abstract.

Skepticism is a virtue. So, I keep on referring to the old saw, "When God said "brains" we thought He said trains, we all went down to meet Him down at the station."

My experience in the 60's, with shallow inroads into the "Hippie Generation" was foundational for my search for truth and righteousness and tangentially asking, "Is the God of the Bible real?" If I had had some indoctrination, it was more political than religious: Brought up in a Presbyterian family, church sermons were more philosophical than Biblical ,and they never were political. So, when I was "deconstructing" and was seeking whatever, I was mostly starting from scratch... After reading the experiences, I see clearly why people are leaving Denominational Churches.

My remedy and concern with "Deconstructing Christianity" is that too often folks aren't seeking God, Jesus, or the realities of the Bible but are grabbing at anything and everything to build some kind of new religion with a more comestible menu... By what authority, I have no idea, and I foresee just as much danger and disappointment down that road.

Anyways, I think you can appreciate 2 Peter 2:2. Here are two translations:

New International Version

"Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute."

New Living Translation

"Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered."

I wish you well but before I end, people need to be born again Jesus said, meaning we need a personal relationship with Him - just like a friendship with open discussions. and we really need to hear what Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14:

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Thanks again for your article. It was right on point.



D L Henderson

Born 1950; HS 1968; Born again 1972; Cornell ILR; Steward, Local President/Business Agent; Husband, father, grandfather; winner/loser/everything in between