It might have been unfair of me to assume you are unfamiliar with Lennox, but perhaps it is that you have heard of and read about but not hearing or receiving what he has said and written. So, you have formed an opinion, and that's fine, being your free choice. Of course it is the same for me.
My wife and I have spent hours listening to his debates and lectures, and at least in one he expresses his familiarity with World Religions. Perhaps he has chosen not to spend a lot of time with them anymore, because like my wife and I, we have decided to follow Jesus, because he proves over and over His superiority over any other leader or teacher, political or religious or otherwise - and in every pragmatic, psychological, philosophical and all other dynamics of life and living.
I was raised in a Presbyterian family, and Patty, a Roman Catholic one - both of the era of the Great Depression and WW 2. Neither of us were strict adherents, only attending services sporadically. Then our lives were changed, geographically 3,000 miles apart when we had our "come to Jesus moments." We got married in a little Pentecostal Assembly over 40 years ago. One reason I mention this is that because of the vastly superior path we're continuing to experience, and on a daily basis, other than normal earthly responsibilities, we spend our time with daily Bible devotionals, reading, and learning how to best navigate the waters of life. What I am trying to say is that although I have always been an open minded type, I don't need to study Philosophy or World Religions anymore. I've "been there, done that" and found it all interesting, but futile.
Like the Bible verse from Peters' speech at Pentecost, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” - Acts 4:12, New International Version. I include this because you mentioned God, and so it makes me wonder, because a lot of people believe in God in an ethereal way but have not responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as in being "born again..."
Anyways thank you for this continuing conversation ... The reason I joined Medium was to find conversation which is totally absent on FB and in the general public discourse.