I’ve always accepted Intelligent Design from Christian Geologists, Archaeologists. and other Christians from the Scientific disciplines as an important part of Christian Apologetics to support the Bible and its veracity and support of its Gospel truths. Where and who have been erring in this field I have not seen. Of course, having already accepted the historical and scientific veracity of the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have had no need to. However, I have used their findings in some of my essays - for instance about Noah’s Flood. The dangers of some who have wandered to a complete stop is a worry, but being born again does not mean leaving our heads behind, but taking His yoke and learning and such exercises as rightly dividing the Word of Truth demands our understanding and our intelligence. Although you are absolutely correct in pointing out Intelligent Design is not an end in itself, but a step along the path. Thank you for holding up the road sign “SLOW.”