Just two details that really don't affect your excellent points is the misconceptions of Hell generated durng the Dark Ages by fears and suspicions , and fables.
Looking at the Hebrew word we know as "hell" is "sheol."
Why does this matter? It's in the Bible and so it must have some relevance...
Looking at the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man - again, not at all as to affecting your message - it appears there are two intermediary places our souls may go when we die: Abraham's Bosom or Sheol. One is pleasant and the other, not so much...
Later comes the Final Judgement where everyone will be awarded or condemned by "the works done in the body."
Now, one more thing which many like to ignore. It is the inconvenient truth of the reality of that one word "everyone." The fact is both believers and unbelievers will have to give account before the Judgement Seat...
So, there's that.
Still and all, your main points are well taken.
Thanks for publishing them.