Love Letter From Patty
I woke up Easter morning, and as I passed by my husband, I gave him a kiss, and said, “Happy Easter.” Then, as I poured my coffee, I said “Thank you Jesus for all you have done for us.” Then, I walked into my Quiet Room and started to write this. Why? Because I was overcome with such gratefulness, but also sadness.
Gratefulness, because what Easter really is: Jesus’ Resurrection. He is alive … forever alive. Why does this death and resurrection mean so much to me? Because there is no love, absolutely no love like His. That He suffered so on that cross and willingly, with such love sacrificed Himself so I would not have to be dead in my sins but could be forgiven, cleansed, and wholly and truly be made alive through His Resurrection.
I have forever a Savior, Jesus Christ who sticks closer than a brother, who will never leave or forsake me, and has given me an unspeakable joy that I have because of the One who is perfect in Love and Goodness, who I belong to, and am precious in His sight. For that is my gratitude.
My sadness is, with many, Easter is celebrated withoutJesus.
After I said, “Happy Easter!” it felt too casual, because I have said it that way many years before Christ came into my life. Only then I understood what the cross meant. What was done at the cross Jesus Christ did for all of us. So, seek Him, and go to the cross so you may know for yourself.
I do hope that more and more people would consider and reflect on what and who Easter is about. There is and never will be any other name but Jesus Christ who will love you and care for you forever.
P. S. — An every day walking with Jesus, my life is purposeful and meaningful… What could make life better?
Always with love and prayers,