Of course, I respect your freedom of choice. Yes, you are not an apostle sent into the l"ions' dens," so to speak, as were Peter and Paul and the rest of the early martyrs. By the by, they checked in with each other early on and agreed Paul would go to the Gentiles while the original disciples would concentrate on the Jewish mission... They supported each other.
"If we keep getting in people’s faces..." is about presentation, not content. In a way the first apostles often got in people's faces.
Yes. "Jesus said not to broadcast our prayer." bit this was in the context of self-righteousness as opposed to humbly entering God's house of Prayer. Luke 18, the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector is the germane Scripture verses...
Finally, as for "each others belief systems," Do they cause wars or maybe is it greed? At any rate, it is an exaggeration to make that connection. Here I'll give a really stupid illustration: Someone might say, "I believe i - t okay for me to rape women, because my religion says the whole of women's purpose in life is satisfying my sexual desires." Would you have anything to say to that person? Do you avoid drawing any lines anywhere simply so you can avoid confrontation?