
D L Henderson
1 min readFeb 19, 2024

People my age are pretty settled in their lives. Young people probably don’t have a lot of security in the way the world is. What I am convinced both groups need — as well as everyone in between — is a personal relationship with God. But that doesn’t fly with anybody, and the Bible quote below is one big reason why. PLease don’t let me or my actions or anybody else’s keep you from the One who has real answers for all of real life situations.

2 Peter 2:1–3, “But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them. In this way, they will bring sudden destruction on themselves. Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered. In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.” (emphasis mine)



D L Henderson

Born 1950; HS 1968; Born again 1972; Cornell ILR; Steward, Local President/Business Agent; Husband, father, grandfather; winner/loser/everything in between