D L Henderson
2 min readJun 28, 2023

Shelter From the Storm

June 28, 2023

Human nature defined by MerriamWebster.com is “the fundamental dispositions and traits of humans.” Some traits about our nature are healthy and some, very unhealthy. The Greek word describing human nature is “sarx,” the inner essence of our “minds” — to the Greek philosophy — to our “hearts” — to the Jewish way of thinking. Either way, it is the inner person often referred to in modern culture as the “soul.”

The Bible describes human nature as a fallen nature. We are imperfect. We are born, the Bible emphasizes, with a “sinful nature.” In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve had unfettered access to God. However, their bad choice ended that relationship, and unfortunately for us, the consequences of their bad choice fell on all Humanity. We are all separated from the righteous God. It seems to me that Humanity tries very hard to prove the idea of that fallen nature absolutely true.

But don’t blame Adam and Eve or even God for our condition, because we independently make bad choices with our own resulting negative consequences. Not all we do or think is wrong, but some dig themselves deeper. While others try to hang tightly to healthier choices, we all fall short of the ideal — not what we think is the ideal but what God says is the ideal.

Unfortunately, many people feel only answerable to themselves. In a way, that thinking is absolutely true. Whatever you decide to think or do in your life is your own choosing.

Look around, however, and you will see other individuals making independent choices which may infringe on your rights and abilities to choose your own destiny. Worse, those independent types may find others with the same mindset who become a group who infringe on your ability to choose. Then, your ability to choose just might waver, fade, and be blown away like an early morning fog! Then, where does one go? Where can we find a quiet harbor? Where can we go to stretch our legs?

Patty and I both decided to go to Jesus and get right with God. This has proven to be a safe and secure mooring for us. We can also go to Beaver Island State Park to find some shelter from the little winds of life. God’s Creation, after all, is for our benefit!

Hiding Place (Steven Curtis Chapman)

D L Henderson

Born 1950; HS 1968; Born again 1972; Cornell ILR; Steward, Local President/Business Agent; Husband, father, grandfather; winner/loser/everything in between