Sure! They could all be wrong... and you could be wrong, too! So, could I! In fact in order to be born again and receive a new inner nature, Biblical Christianity begins with admitting not only could be but definitely, absolutely is wrong about God! Then a fantastic change occurs - not intellectually (although that is also where a change in thinking begins) not intellectually, but in the inner person.
I'm pretty sure you'll have a standardized challenge and objection to that, but oh well...
One of the miracles that happened to me when I first turned from my challenging God and His very existence involved LSD. No. I didn't see God while tripping. And I don't know how familiar you are or how experienced you might be on the effects of LSD, but when you drop acid you begin the tri with what is called a "rush" not unlike Roller Coasters, I suppose. well, when I got to the "peaking" stage, at the top of the ride, it turned downward, but there was not another up. Not only that but the LSD kepr plungin downwards into a vast black abyss. It what was called a very, very bad trip, and it was not ending. A concerned friend came in and saw I was in trouble, and asked the leading question "You're tripping aren't you?" Yes. Tripping and falling. So, I went up on the roof (to get closer to God, of course) and called on that God of the Bible that I had heard about in Sunday School... Immediately, and I mean immediately, the tripping was gone. Completely. As if I never had dropped the acid. I felt so good, too, joyful maybe. So the next weekend and the next: Rinse, Wash. Repeat. Same looming catastrophe, same rooftop praying, same deliverance. However, this time the impression left on my mind that followed the joy was the realization that I was "banging my head against the wall, because it felt so good to stop." Again, the miracle lies in the fact that when you drop acid, you ain't getting off that ride. You have to ride the ride til the end.
That was first experience where my journey with God, Jesus, and the Bible began (although Jesus and the Bible were down the road apiece, but I think your definition of "experience" is a bit different from mine.
Oh, and back at ya, Mr. Double Standards. (as in "don't insult me" and "it's nunya business..."