Thanks for your article.
Yes, 'tis true that everyone in this country - as well as all industrialized countries - are better off, than most others. No one has to walk two miles every day for their families need for water.
Yet, there are working class families living paycheck to paycheck. Yes, most of us have running water and, if needed, there are resources available to help to fill in the gaps in our daily needs for food and shelter.
Still and all, there are families forced to live below the poverty line who must depend on charitable organizations for their food, shelter, and health.
Yes, people who do have should be generous with what they have to those who have not. I think it is obscene where we fill our closets, then our attics, then our garages with stuff, and we still have to rent storage facilities for even more of our stuff...
As for me, I'm not innocent. All my household areas are pretty much full, and sure, a lot it belongs to my kids and I do give to charities, but those donations never enough. An example of my "wealth" I see every day in my closet: I have some 32 almost new short sleeved shirts hanging there - more than one for every day in a month! Yes, they have accumulated over time, but all our drawers are full, to - double and triple utensils and miscellaneous gifts and stuff we never use but which someone else could very well use...
Most of these haven't seen the light of day for years!
It's past time all this extra stuff finds a new home, but now I am too tired all the time to work my way through the entire mess.
My point is that yes, most of us are spoiled and have become overly materialistic.= and burdened down and even trapped by it. Yes, poverty does exist in the World although and many times extreme poverty - even though people might be too busy to notice...