Words Matter
January 1, 2025
“What is your faith?” used to be a question in polite conversation. What has gotten even further away from us, regarding polite conversation, would be, “What Political Party do you belong to?”
A very, very long time ago -what seems to be ancient history — for either topic of conversation, people would ask, “What is your persuasion?”
Now, in my opinion, “persuasion” is a more neutral word. I assume that it is less offensive. I think so, because it is conveying a much more thoughtful inquiry not generating fear of an Inquisition. Any answer to the ask would also not generate offense — none needed to be taken. It would result in an ensuing conversation with intelligent discussion.
It was simply a “getting-to-know-you” question. Today, no one seems able to get past “Hello.”
These days “polite conversation” beyond Hello is hard to come by — nearly extinct — while taking offense has become plentiful and far more than abundant. It has become the “go-to” response.
Knee jerk reactions come way before a polite challenge question in response like, “What do you mean?”
People are jumping behind their bulwarks, ready to fire a deadly salvo of vituperative blitzkrieg — a barrage of thoughtless and hateful speech intended to cause the most hurt and harm.
This is not progress. It is a worthless construct needs to be demolished
Progress in my mind would be how the word is defined: “to develop to a higher, better, or more advanced stage” — https://www.merriam-webster.com.
My thinking in this is that first of all, life is for learning and that learning must result in transformative behaviors to encourage a looking up — a transcendent development of behavior which is neither hurtful or harmful.
For example, even the most elementary duty is not to use “sticks and stones to break anybody’s bones” and the realization that — contrary to that silly adage — even words always have potential to hurt others to some small degree or to some hugely harmful consequences.
The Bible counsels, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” — Proverbs 15:1, New international Version.
Now, regarding understanding the precepts in the Bible, the Apostle Paul wrote this about his own persuasion, “But in all these things {tribulations and hardships}, we more than conquer through the One having loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” — Romans 8:37–39, Berean Literal Bible.
That is an essential encouragement in being a Christian…
Now, I have got some pretty tough questions for everybody (hoping that they are not harsh ones) — questions which I think each person should be asking themselves… certainly not having to answer to me, but answering as if your Lawyer were preparing you for an upcoming Trial…
If you are not fully persuaded -just like Paul — maybe you have taken the name, “Christian,” rather like a title or a nickname perhaps, giving it the same weight. Is it more decorative for you than substantive? Is it thoroughly integrated into your heart and mind, your personage and your thinking? Are you just as fanatical about Jesus as you are for, say, a sports team, a sorority or fraternity. or hunting, fishing, and camping, watching TV, or any other pastime? Are you cheering for Jesus? Or is He just a picture on your wall?
Have you woven the Bible into your faith? Is that faith reflected in how you live? Or is it collecting dust on your shelf? Do you even have a Bible — God’s instruction book — or is that an option you chose not to have? In other words have you decided to choose to live by your own, self-guided pursuits?
Do you believe in God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in them? Or do you think that everything just popped up out of nothingness?
I’m just asking… Besides, I hope you don’t take offense and shrink back from these types of questions. I think that people should be asking themselves similar questions. I have,
Unless you do some serious self assessment, you will never see your need to turn to God, Jesus, and the Bible. They are, after all, by necessity, inseparable, integral to life itself, and incorruptible.